The main VX Search GUI application includes a side-bar allowing one to select different types of status views and customize the GUI application.
The user is provided with the file search profiles view, the current profile view, the file search process status view and the disk space monitor
status view. In order to select a different status view, click the status menu button located in the top-right corner and select a required status view type.
The file search profiles status view displays the list of configured file search profiles and provides the ability to add, edit and delete file search profiles.
In addition, the user is provided with the ability to perform file search operations, export and/or import file search profiles. For example, in order to add
a new file search profile, click the right mouse button over the profiles view and select the 'Add Profile' menu item.
The current file search profile view, shows the list of disks, directories and network shares configured to be processed during the file search operation.
The current profile view allows one to add, edit and delete input directories, disks and network shares. For example, to add a directory to the current file
search profile, click the right mouse button over the current profile view and select the 'Add Input Directory' menu item.
The disk space monitor status view displays the amount of the free disk space in all disks installed in the computer or a specific disk selected by the user.
In addition, the status bar of the disk space monitor shows the total disk space, the used disk space and the percentage of the free disk space. When the
amount of the free disk space changes, the disk space monitor displays a disk space change notification showing the amount of the changed disk space.
In order to set a specific disk drive to be displayed, click the right mouse button over the disk space monitor and select the required disk.
The process status view displays statistics about the current or the last performed file search operation including the total number of processed directories,
the total number of processed files, the total amount of processed disk space, the number of file search results, the file search process time, the performance
of the file search process, the number of excluded directories and the number of directory scanning and file search errors.