VX Search Server allows one to configure multiple file search operations with each one capable of searching files in a number of disks,
directories, network shares or NAS storage devices. In order to add a new command, press the 'Add Command' button located on the VX Search
Server home page, specify a unique command name, enter one or more disks, directories or network shares to search in, add one or more file
search rules and press the 'Save' button.
Each file search operation may be configured to search files using an extensive set of file search rules combined with logical operators.
Advanced users are provided with the ability to define multi-level, hierarchical file search queries capable of precisely selecting required
files by the file name, regular expressions, file type, file size, user name, attributes, creation, last modification or last access dates,
text or binary patterns, JPEG EXIF tags, etc.
In addition, the user is provided with the ability to exclude one or more directories from the files search process, set a custom report title,
control the maximum number of search results for each file search operation, set the number of history reports to save for each file search
operation and configure file search operations to intentionally slow down the file search process in order to minimize the performance
impact on running production servers.